How to explain things to others? | 90% English Intermediate #103

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TALSKHOP – Angielski w biznesie Odcinek 103 How to explain things to others?


Let me break it down for you.

Sons of Anarchy (2008) – Dorylus [S04E03] 


Hi there, it’s Karolina from ASAP Speak&Play


Are you familiar with clients or colleagues who often ask you questions or have trouble understanding things? Don’t worry, because in this great episode, I’m going to share a set of useful phrases that will make explaining things easy! And guess what? I also have a simple 3-step guide that you can start using right now. You’ll impress those around you by making complex things easy to understand! So, get ready and let’s start exploring today’s expressions!


So, if someone wants you to explain something, you can do it simply in 3 steps. Let me break it down for you:


Step no. 1 start with a paraphrase. check if you understand what the person really wants, you can say something like this:


So, if I I understand you correctly, you’re asking how to write a report using this new platform, is that right?


Step no 2. When you understand the problem the next thing you can say is something like this:


Let me break it down for you – pozwól, że rozłożę Ci to na części. Let me break it down for you


In this step you can also give an example saying:


Let me give you an example. 


And finally, step no. 3 Say that you hope it is clear now and invite the person to ask more questions. You can say something like this:


I hope that cleared everything up. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.


OK now, let’s practise.

Listen and repeat

You will hear 11 examples. Listen and repeat.


Więc jeśli dobrze cię rozumiem, mówisz, że 

So if I’m understanding you correctly you’re saying 

Breaking Bad (2008) – Crawl Space [S04E11] 


Pozwól, że spróbuję ci to trochę wyjaśnić.

Let me try and clarify some of this for you.

How to Get Ahead in Advertising (1989) Fantasy


Więc powiem to prościej.

So, let me put this simply.

The Simpsons – Homer vs. Dignity [S12E05]


Pozwól, że rozłożę to na części.

Let me break it down for you.

Sons of Anarchy (2008) – Dorylus [S04E03]


To działa tak…

Now, the way this works is

Family Guy – Start Me Up [S18E16]


Spróbuję ci to wytłumaczyć w ten sposób. Powiedzmy, że…

I’ll try to explain it to you this way. Let’s say that …

The Brady Bunch – Law and Disorder [S04E14]


Innymi słowy…

In other words…

King Ralph (1991)


Dam ci przykład.

Let me give you an example.

The Usual Suspects (1995)


Mam nadzieję, że to wszystko wyjaśniło.

I hope that cleared everything up.

Schitt’s Creek (2015) – Moira Rosé [S06E07]


Jeśli masz jakieś pytania, śmiało pytaj

If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

Funny Farm (1988)


Nie wahaj się zadzwonić, jeśli masz inne pytania.

Please don’t hesitate to call if you have any other questions.

Devious Maids – You Can’t Take It with You [S02E11]

Sprawdź swoją pamięć

Alright. Let’s sum up. Translate the following.


Jeśli dobrze Cię rozumiem, pytasz o niedawny problem z rozliczeniem.

So, if I understand you correctly, you’re asking about the recent billing issue.


Pozwól, że rozłożę to na części.

Let me break it down for you.


Innymi słowy, była to dodatkowa opłata za usługę premium.

In other words that was an extra charge for the premium service.


Mam nadzieję, że to wszystko wyjaśniło.

I hope that cleared everything up.


Jeśli masz jakieś pytania, pytaj śmiało.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask.


And there you have it, my language learners! We’ve reached the end of this episode. So, whether it’s through paraphrasing, breaking it down, or giving examples, you now have the tools to explain things effectively. 

So, keep practicing and using these phrases in your daily conversations. And never forget, if someone asks you a question or needs clarification, you can confidently say, „Let me break it down for you.”

If you want to check the transcript go to our page If you have any more questions or if there’s anything else you’d like to learn, feel free to reach out. 

Thanks for joining.

Till the next time, cheers!


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