How to start a conversation with a stranger? #104


TALSKHOP – Angielski w biznesie Odcinek 104 How to start a conversation with a stranger?


So, what brings you here?

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2009)


Hi there, it’s Karolina from ASAP Speak&Play.

Have you ever been in a situation where you wanted to meet a new person but didn’t know how to start talking? If you have problems with small talk in English, stay with me, as today we are going to learn 15 questions you can use to begin a conversation with a stranger.

A stranger is someone you don’t know. So, if you meet a stranger and want to have small talk:


First, say: Hi, how are you doing? 

Next, introduce yourself: I’m Karolina. Nice to meet you.

Then, ask a question: Is this your first time here?


Hi. How are you doing? I’m Karolina. Nice to meet you. Is this your first time here?


During a conversation, remember to show interest by nodding – kiwając – nodding, saying aha, mhm, 'that’s interesting’ and looking at the person speaking.

OK, now you’re ready to practise. Let’s begin.

How to start a conversation with a stranger? | Listen and Repeat

You will hear 15 examples. Listen and repeat.


Cześć, jak leci?

Hi. How’s it going?

The Ringer (2005)


Mogę tu usiąść?

Is it ok if I sit here?

Freaks and Geeks (1999) – Looks and Books [S01E11]


Nie masz nic przeciwko, żebym tu usiadł?

You mind if I sit here?

Glee (2009) – Audition [S02E01 ]


Przepraszam. Przepraszam, że przeszkadzam. Czy jesteś mechanikiem?

Excuse me. Sorry to bother you. Are you a mechanic?

The Office – Niagara Part 2 [S06E05]


Cześć! A ty skąd jesteś? Ja jestem z Wilmette.

Hi! Where are you from? I’m from Wilmette.

Wayne’s World 2 (1993) Music


Więc, Seymour, jesteś stąd?

So, Seymour, you from around here?

Family Guy – Hard Boiled Meg [S20E15]


Nie sądzę, żebyśmy się spotkali. Jestem Rossem.

I don’t think we’ve met. I’m Ross.

Friends – The One with Rachel’s Inadvertent Kiss [S05E17]


Więc, skąd znasz Natana? 

So, how do you know Nathan?

Upload – The Funeral [S01E03]


A Ty? Jesteś tu pierwszy raz?

How about you? Is it your first time here?

Transparent – Man on the Land [S02E09]


To twój pierwszy dzień tutaj?

Is it your first day here?

Kevin Can F**k Himself (2021) – S01E05 New Patty


Pierwszy raz w Amsterdamie?

First time in Amsterdam?

Atlanta – Sinterklaas Is Coming to Town [S03E02]


Więc co cię tu sprowadza?

So, what brings you here?

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2009)


Jak do tej pory podoba ci się wesele?

How do you like the wedding so far?

Happy Days – The Best Man [S01E14]


Jak ci się podoba życie tutaj do tej pory?

How do you like living here so far?

The 'burbs (1989)


Więc powiedz mi, jak ci się podoba Paryż do tej pory?

So tell me, how do you like Paris so far?

The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel – Simone [S02E01]


Great well done! Let’s repeat. Translate the following.


Cześć, jak leci?

Hi. How’s it going?


Mogę tu usiąść?

Is it ok if I sit here?


jesteś stąd?

You from around here?


Jesteś tu pierwszy raz?

Is it your first time here?


Więc co cię tu sprowadza?

So, what brings you here?


Więc powiedz mi, jak ci się podoba Warszawa do tej pory?

So tell me, how do you like Warsaw so far?


Good job! I hope you learned a few expressions to start a conversation with a stranger. Remember to practise these questions with other people. 


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Till the next time, cheers!


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